Personality List

    Angela Lansbury Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Angela Lansbury? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Angela Lansbury from People Of Classic Hollywood and what is the personality traits.

    Angela Lansbury

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Angela Lansbury personality type is ESTJ, according to the MBTI® test classic instrument. ESTJ personality type is defined as follows:

    The ESTJ personality type is characterized by a strong desire to adhere to established laws and rules. Decisions are made based on the potential consequences of the decision, while keeping in mind the commonly held values and beliefs of society. The ESTJ personality type prefers clear, tangible goals and is not afraid to take risks in order to achieve said goals. They are usually capable of maintaining clear schedules, even if their plans are not always precisely executed. The ESTJ personality type is also known for their capacity for planning, organizing, and following through on tasks; they are detail-oriented and can usually accomplish tasks on time. The ESTJ personality type is likely to be consistent in their personality, rarely changing over time. They are also known for their sense of responsibility, both to their own goals and to others.

    The ESTJ personality type is often the most popular among the leadership positions of corporations due to their ability to effectively lead and motivate others to complete goals. They are also known for their ability to adhere to established laws and rules, creating stability in organizations.

    Dame Angela Brigid Lansbury (born October 16, 1925) is an English-American-Irish actress who has appeared in theater, television, and film. Her career has spanned seven decades, much of it in the United States, and her work has attracted international acclaim.

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