Personality List

    Cobie Smulders Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Cobie Smulders? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Cobie Smulders from Actors & Actresses Canada and what is the personality traits.

    Cobie Smulders

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Cobie Smulders personality type is ENTJ, which means she has both the extraverted intuitive function and the introverted thinking function. Based on the way she combines all the functions into her personality, she would appear to have a dominant function of extraverted intuition or Ni. The other four functions are all introverted.

    Extraverted Intuition

    Extraverted intuition, or Ni, is the dominant function for ENTJs. It is usually described as a perspective where things are seen “full circle” or in the big picture. There is a desire to understand how things work and why, which can create a lot of insight, but it can also feel like overthinking. ENTJs are very mentally active, and they strive to understand systems, people, and all sorts of things. This can be an excellent trait for a leader, but it can also lead to overanalysis.

    Introverted Thinking

    Introverted thinking, or Ti, is the dominant function for ENTJs. It is usually described as a perspective that is logical and systematic, and they focus on facts and details. ENTJs tend to be detail oriented, which they sometimes use to their advantage.

    Jacoba Francisca Maria "Cobie" Smulders (born April 3, 1982) is a British Canadian actress and model. She plays the lead in the ABC crime drama Stumptown, where she plays the role of PTSD-stricken military veteran turned private detective Dexedrine "Dex" Parios.

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