Personality List

    Ota Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ota? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ota from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (6w5)

    Ota personality type is INTP, which is a rare combination of being a somewhat logical, creative and reflective type.

    The reason they are rare is because most people who have a dominant Ti in their personality type are also in the INTP category. It's only the rarest of the rare that have a dominant Ti not also being an INTP.

    This is probably because INTPs are the only types that have Ti as the tertiary function. Ti is not just about logic, it's about making connections between things. So Ti functions are often creative and relational rather than logical.

    That's why the Ota are so different from most other types, because they are so imaginative, so unique, so different.

    They are the only ones who can see the world as it really is, instead of as their Ti would have it to be.

    The Ota are able to see that everyone has value because everyone is valuable, even though Ti would have us believe that everyone has value because everyone is valuable.

    Ota (Rio de Janeiro, July 4, 1954), stage name of Otacilio Costa d'Assunction Barros, is a Brazilian cartoonist, cartoonist, editor and writer. He has a degree in journalism from UFRJ. In 1974 he became the editor responsible for the Brazilian version of the humorous magazine Mad. Affiliations: Laerte Coutinho, Angeli, Caco Galhardo, Ziraldo. Asterix. Beetle Bailey. Little Lulu. Marjorie Henderson Buell. Marge. Mauricio de Sousa. Mort Walker. William Gaines, Harvey Kurtzman. Jaguar. Alfred E. Neuman. Adão Iturrusgarai. Glauco. Luis Fernando Verissimo. Henfil. Lan. Allan Sieber.

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