Personality List

    Gema Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gema Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gema Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) from General Vloggers and what is the personality traits.

    Gema Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger)

    ENFJ (4w3)

    Gema Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) personality type is ISFP, ESFP and ESTP.

    Gemma Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) is an ISFP, ESFP and ESTP personality type

    Gemma Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) as an ISFP personality type she is:

    Focused on herself and her own needs, and not on the needs of others

    Aesthetic and artistic – she enjoys expressing her feelings through art and fashion

    Athletic – she loves to exercise and has a great body and toned look

    Imaginative – she likes to create things and has a very active imagination

    Social – she loves spending time with her friends and family and is very social

    Gemma Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) as an ESFP personality type she is:

    Optimistic – she is positive and believes that life is good most of the time

    Active – she is always busy and always on the go, and she loves to be busy and out doing things

    Gemma Vadillo (Cydonian Vlogger) as an ESTP personality type she is:

    Gema Vadillo Rivas, conocida en redes como Cydonian, nació en Madrid (1998). Desde muy pequeña crea personajes y escribe relatos de fantasía. Le gusta contar historias en todos los formatos, por eso vive por el dibujo, la fotografía y el vídeo.

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