Personality List

    Christian Rätsch Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Christian Rätsch? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Christian Rätsch from Psychology & Neuroscience and what is the personality traits.

    Christian Rätsch

    INTP (5w4)

    Christian Rätsch personality type is INFJ, INFp or INTp.

    The core issue of the INFJ type is privacy. They are very sensitive to privacy and find it very difficult to be open with people. INFJ types are also very private about their feelings so they don’t feel comfortable showing their emotions. Their communication style is very calm and rational.

    The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest personality types in the world. The number of INFJ types in the world is very less. Here are the different places where INFJ personality type is very rare.

    INFJ personalities are highly intelligent, creative, and caring people who are sensitive to others’ feelings and emotions. They are very helpful to their loved ones.

    INFJs are soft-spoken, shy, quiet, soft-spoken, and reserved individuals, who prefer spending time alone rather than mingling with others. INFJs prefer being alone to being in crowded places. Their ideas are usually unconventional, but they are very hard working individuals, who are good at thinking out of the box. INFJ personalities are also very private people who avoid public display of affection. They are very emotional people, who express their feelings often.

    Christian Rätsch (born 1957) is a German anthropologist and writer on topics like ethnopharmacology, psychoactive plants and animals. He was born in 1957 in a Bohemian community in Hamburg, Germany. His father was an opera singer, his mother a ballet dancer. He started learning about shamanism and sacred plants at 10 and had his first drug experience at 12. Rätsch earned a doctorate in Native American cultures. He conducted field research for three years while living with the Lacandón Indians in Chiapas, Mexico investigating shamanism first-hand, and completed his doctorate on their incantations and spells. Christian Rätsch's The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants[2] describes the botany, history, distribution, cultivation, preparation, and dosage of more than 400 psychoactive plants (while not strictly plants, the encyclopedia also includes psychoactive fungi). The encyclopedia also offers information on ritual and medicinal use (see also ethnopharmacology).

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