Personality List

    Fritz Zwicky Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Fritz Zwicky? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Fritz Zwicky from Physics & Astronomy and what is the personality traits.

    Fritz Zwicky

    ENTJ (8w9)

    Fritz Zwicky personality type is ENTJ, which means that you have a preference for Extraverted Thinking and Judgment.

    You are very determined and hard working, with a strong need for order and structure. You are the type of person who likes to get things done and has little tolerance for people who don’t get it done. Your logical approach to life enables you to have a powerful effect on others, which is probably why you are such a popular manager. You like to think of yourself as a good decision-maker and leader, because you are clear and decisive in your thinking. The downside to this, however, is that you can sometimes be too hard on others who aren’t following your rules. If you want to develop your leadership skills, you need to be careful to take care of the people around you as they will be the ones who will determine your success.

    Your primary challenge is to avoid being too controlling of people. You tend to see things in black and white and will see things in terms of right or wrong. You are very clear about what’s important and what’s not, which makes it easy for you to direct others to do what needs to be done.

    Fritz Zwicky (/ˈtsvɪki/ German: [ˈtsvɪki]; February 14, 1898 – February 8, 1974) was a Swiss astronomer. He worked most of his life at the California Institute of Technology in the United States of America, where he made many important contributions in theoretical and observational astronomy. In 1933, Zwicky was the first to use the virial theorem to infer the existence of unseen dark matter, describing it as "dunkle (kalt) Materie".

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