Personality List

    Laurence Sterne Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Laurence Sterne? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Laurence Sterne from Writers Literature Classic and what is the personality traits.

    Laurence Sterne

    INTP (9w1)

    Laurence Sterne personality type is INTP, which means he is an INTP personality type.

    INTP personality type is one of the 16 personality types. It refers to the personality type of people who are called "Intellectuals."

    The INTP personality type is characterized by intelligence, analytical thinking, and having a very low boredom threshold.

    INTPs are known for being very intelligent. They are capable of great feats of deductive reasoning, and are generally quite creative.

    The INTP personality type is often associated with deep thinking, thinking about their own inner personal philosophy, and being very good at writing.

    INTPs are also known for being somewhat introverted, and not being very social. They can be great thinkers, but they don't do well in social situations.

    INTPs are considered to be introverted because they are uncomfortable being around large groups of people. They will also have a hard time being spontaneous or acting without giving any thought to their actions.

    Like all personality types, INTPs have different traits. Some are more introverted than others, and some are more extroverted.

    Like all personality types, INTPs have different traits.

    Laurence Sterne (24 November 1713 – 18 March 1768) was an Anglo-Irish novelist and an Anglican clergyman. He wrote the novels The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman and A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, and also published many sermons, wrote memoirs, and was involved in local politics. Sterne died in London after years of fighting tuberculosis.

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