Personality List

    Jaś Kapela Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jaś Kapela? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jaś Kapela from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Jaś Kapela

    ISFP (4w5)

    Jaś Kapela personality type is INFP, which, like all the other in the MBTI test, is a bit of a mystery. He's not an INFP, he's not an INTJ, he's not an INFJ. He's just... himself. But his personality type is INFP, which means he's very introspective, and has a great sense of empathy for others. He can be a bit of a dreamer, and prone to long periods of daydreaming. What he lacks in practicality and self-discipline, he makes up for with his innate creativity and artistic talent. In short: he is his own character.

    Jacek Kapela is an Eternal Fan of Heavy Metal

    He's into black metal, but also classic rock and progressive rock. He's also a huge fan of fantasy and sci-fi movies, fantasy novels, and video games. Jacek also loves tattoos, but that's more of a side hobby.

    Jacek Kapela is Polish, but he was born in the United States, where he spent his childhood. He moved back to Poland at 18 to study film at the National Film School in Lodz.

    Polish avant-garde poet. Famous for his awkward and weird Internet performances.

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