Personality List

    Kim Ung-Yong Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kim Ung-Yong? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kim Ung-Yong from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Kim Ung-Yong

    INTP (5w6)

    Kim Ung-Yong personality type is INTP, the 16th most common type in the world. This type is commonly nicknamed the “The Inventor”. The Jungian brain type system was created by Carl Jung in his book “Psychological Types”. It is a classification system for personality types based on the psyche and cognition of a person. Carl Jung believed that people have a dominant function and a secondary function, which is a function that is less developed or less accessible to a person. Carl Jung believed that a person’s dominant function is the keynote of their character and the secondary function is the unconscious other side of their personality. Carl Jung also believed that there are four different types of personalities depending on how strongly a person’s dominant function is developed. Jung believed that each type should be identified with a type of animal, which can then be used to classify people’s personalities. Below is a quick overview of the four types:

    ENTJ: The Entrepreneur

    The ENTJ is an ENTP and ENTP (the 16th and 17th most common types in the world). ENTJs are often nicknamed the “The Commander” or “The Commander-in-Chief”.

    Kim Ung-Yong (Hangul: 김웅용; born March 8, 1962)[1] is a South Korean professor and former child prodigy, who once held the Guinness World Record for highest IQ, at a score of 210.[2][3]

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