Personality List

    Nany People Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nany People? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nany People from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Nany People

    ENTP (8w7)

    Nany People personality type is ENTP, or is that too crazy?

    I don't think she's crazy enough to be an ENTP. That's a pretty wide spectrum.

    I think she's enneagram 8 (the Nany).

    I think she's enneagram 8 (the Nany).

    "I like you, you're weird. I like you, you're weird. I like you, you're weird." -Bon Iver, "Minnesota, WI"

    "I like you, you're weird. I like you, you're weird. I like you, you're weird." -Bon Iver, "Minnesota, WI"

    Anonymous 09/11/18 (Thu) 12:20:03 PM No. 643993 >>643984

    If she really is an 8 then she definitely has problems with authority and is probably more of a 3 than an 8. If she really is an 8 then she definitely has problems with authority and is probably more of a 3 than an 8.

    Anonymous 09/11/18 (Thu) 12:21:17 PM No. 643994 >>643993

    I agree.

    Nany People Cunha Santos (Machado, 1 de julho de 1965), conhecida como Nany People, é uma humorista, atriz, locutora, cantora, apresentadora, jornalista, colunista e repórter brasileira. Na TV, ganhou projeção nacional em 1997, como repórter do programa "Novo Comando da Madrugada", de Goulart de Andrade, na extinta Rede Manchete. Em 1998, atuou na peça "Um Homem é um Homem", com direção de Alexandre Stockler no Teatro Faap, em São Paulo e mais 16 cidades do interior de São Paulo. Estreou no Programa Hebe fazendo entrevistas e links ao vivo, entre 2001 e 2006. Dali, foi para o banco da praça mais famosa do Brasil, integrando o elenco do "A Praça É Nossa" a partir de 2007 até janeiro de 2008. Affiliations: Xuxa Meneghel. Leão Lobo.

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