Personality List

    Yadano Makeru Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yadano Makeru? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yadano Makeru from Komi San Wa Komyushou Desu and what is the personality traits.

    Yadano Makeru

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Yadano Makeru personality type is ENTJ, which is a counselor, a leader, a judge, a promoter, a negotiator, a persuader, a protector and a mediator.

    Yadano Makeru personality types are very effective as leaders of large groups of people as they have a strong sense of judgment as to what is right and wrong as well as what is good and bad. They have an innate ability to see the big picture as well as have strong leadership abilities.

    Yadano Makeru personality types are very good at planning ahead so that they can be prepared for anything that may come their way. They are not afraid to go against the norm and defy the status quo. They have an innate talent for being able to see the bigger picture and have a strong sense of being correct regardless of what others may say.

    Yadano Makeru personality types do not like having to change their plans and there is no such thing as second place for them. They know that their way is better and they will fight for it until they win, regardless of what the situation may be.

    Yadano Makeru personality types like to be in control and they need to know that everything is going according to plan and there is no room for mistakes.

    "Yadano Makeru hates losing."

    Makeru Yadano (矢や田だ野のまける, Yadano Makeru?) is a competitive girl who likes to compete with Komi Shouko. She is often seen struggling on her own, pretending as if Komi has accepted her rivalry each time being defeated by Shouko's results. In comparison to Shouko's "goddess" position of their class Makeru has called herself as the "commoner". Even so, she has her own fan club consisting of mostly masochistic type male students.

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