Personality List

    Alan Greenspan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alan Greenspan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alan Greenspan from Government Usa and what is the personality traits.

    Alan Greenspan

    INTP (5w6)

    Alan Greenspan personality type is INTP, but he has aspects of every type. Many people are unaware that the type that most people are familiar with is actually ENTP.

    He is, however, very well aware of his inferior function, Extraverted Intuition, which is why he has become so famous for his ability to forecast economic trends.

    I think his inferior function is Extraverted Intuition.

    Greenspan himself has said that he's an introvert, and as such prefers to spend most of his time alone.

    Extraverted Intuition is the least common type of Intuition, and is not as well understood as Intuitive Feeling or Sensing.

    Extraverted Intuition people tend to be very good with predictions and ideas and visions and so forth. They tend to be very good with sequential reasoning and planing and thinking ahead.

    ENTP: The Self-Made Billionaire

    ENTP: The Self-Made Billionaire Click To Tweet

    ENTPs are the smartest and most popular type of Introvert, and they're the only type of Introvert that's more popular than Introverts.

    Alan Greenspan (born March 6, 1926) is a Jewish (Greenspan 2007, p.19) American who served as Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States from 1987 to 2006. He currently works as a private adviser and provides consulting for firms through his company, Greenspan Associates LLC.

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