Personality List

    Minerva ''Mini'' McGuinness Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Minerva ''Mini'' McGuinness? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Minerva ''Mini'' McGuinness from Skins Uk 2007 and what is the personality traits.

    Minerva ''Mini'' McGuinness

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Minerva ''Mini'' McGuinness personality type is ESTJ, which is Extraversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. ESTJs are action-oriented, purposeful and practical in their thinking and they prefer to get things done and done well. They are perfectionists and dislike making mistakes. They are extremely organized and they like to control and direct people and situations. They are very goal-oriented and they like to reach their goals. ESTJs are practical and realistic in their decisions and they like to see concrete facts. They are efficient and decisive in handling everyday tasks and they like to delegate work to others. ESTJs are very dominant in their behavior and they often try to impose their ideas. They prefer to follow the rules and obey the law even when they don't agree with it. They prefer to see things in black and white and they like to be organized and efficient in their thinking. The ESTJ is a stable and practical person. Also, they tend to be organized and practical in their social lives and they like to keep things orderly. They like to maintain a consistent structure in their lives, but most ESTJs also like to experiment and try new things that provide new experiences. The ESTJ is a serious person, who tends to be practical and realistic in their decisions.

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