Personality List

    Yoriko Kosaka Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yoriko Kosaka? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yoriko Kosaka from Tokyo Ghoul and what is the personality traits.

    Yoriko Kosaka

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Yoriko Kosaka personality type is ISFJ, an introverted, caring, and dependable personality type. This personality type is characterized as being "somewhat anxious and with a need for harmony and stability." Being an introverted personality, however, they can be self-conscious and shy with people they don't know. They place a great emphasis on honor and honesty. They will try to avoid conflict and conflict can be very stressful to them. There is usually a need for logic and practicality in their decision making, as they may find it hard to make decisions based on their feelings. They are extremely loyal and will stick to their friends as long as they feel they can help them. They will try to be as sincere as possible without giving themselves away. They can be overly sensitive to criticism and can react very harshly, but they will usually mean well.

    Kosaka Yoriko is an ISFJ type with a carefree and easy going nature. She is a very friendly person who likes to be friendly to everyone. She tries her best to make friends with everyone she meets. She gets nervous when she can't make friends with people she meets, even though she knows the people she meets normally aren't her type of friends.

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