Personality List

    Amish Cyborg Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Amish Cyborg? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Amish Cyborg from Rick & Morty 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Amish Cyborg

    ISTP (9w8)

    Amish Cyborg personality type is ISTP, and the Elder Elder and Prophet personality types are ESTP.

    Mordecai and Rigby were first introduced as an unlikely pair of best friends on the show "Regular Show" that aired on Cartoon Network.

    They both like video games and work at the same place.

    Mordecai and Rigby's personality's are opposite of each other, Mordecai is more responsible and Rigby is more carefree.

    Rigby is more carefree and Mordecai is more responsible.

    The two friends also like to make each other laugh and tease each other (but they don't mean it and they always make up after).

    Mordecai and Rigby both work at the same job, and they both love video games.

    Mordecai is usually very responsible, but he sometimes breaks all the rules or breaks "the rules" (he says that their no rules, then he breaks the rules).

    Rigby is usually very carefree, but he sometimes breaks rules (he says that their no rules, then he breaks the rules).

    The two friends are both unlikely friends.

    They both like video games.

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