Personality List

    Gerson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gerson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gerson from Undertale 2015 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (9w8)

    Gerson personality type is ESTJ, which is also known as the “The Boss”. This personality type is likely to be your boss. They are in charge and they don’t take much nonsense from anyone.

    ESTJs are the type of people who take charge, and they often have a lot of authority when it comes to work. ESTJs will do what they can to make sure their team gets things done and done well. They usually like to be in charge and they don’t like to take orders from anyone.

    ESTJs are not afraid to take risks and they do not shy away from starting new projects and ideas. They are also trustworthy and dependable, which is why they can be great leaders and teachers. ESTJs are quick to notice and acknowledge others’ hard work, and they tend to be very direct when giving feedback.

    ESTJs can be very good at what they do, but they often get frustrated when others don’t do what they need them to do. They also get frustrated when others don’t listen to them or respect their decisions. ESTJs can become defensive when someone disagrees with their ideas or requests.

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