Personality List

    Police Hat Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Police Hat? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Police Hat from Among Us and what is the personality traits.

    Police Hat

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Police Hat personality type is ESTJ, and the person you're talking to is one of them:

    You'll often find them in executive positions in the business world. They're loyal, dependable, and hard-working. They don't say much but when they do, they make a good impression on everyone they speak to.

    The most common negative trait is their tendency to be officious and arrogant. They're very good at making sure that everyone knows their place and that this is how you should behave. They can seem self-important and preachy to others.

    9. The Green Lantern

    The Green Lantern is a fictional comic book superhero with a power ring that can create a variety of different kinds of "energy constructs."

    In the real world, these can be any number of things from a simple glow stick to a hologram message.

    The main negative trait of this personality type is their tendency to be self-important, holier-than-thou, and condescending. They can also be overly righteous and defensive of their beliefs.

    10. The Chick Magnet

    This is the ideal boyfriend/girlfriend who gets attention from everyone around them. They're very attractive and have a great sense of humor.

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