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    Enneagram Subtype 3w4 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enneagram Subtype 3w4? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enneagram Subtype 3w4 from Enneagram and what is the personality traits.

    Enneagram Subtype 3w4

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Enneagram Subtype 3w4 personality type is ENTJ, which is known as the “The Commander”. ENTJ’s are typically extroverted and usually perceived as “The Boss”. They’re the most likely to be perceived as an overbearing boss because of their need to be in charge and their need to be perceived as powerful and stable. ENTJ’s seem to think that they can take on the world and handle any situation and therefore they think and act like they should be the boss.

    ENTJ’s often feel like they should be in charge but they’re not always good at it. ENTJ’s can’t always make up their mind and they really don’t like feeling like they’re indecisive. ENTJ’s tend to make decisions quickly but those decisions can change later. ENTJ’s feel like they need to do everything themselves and they need to be in control of their environment. ENTJ’s are often perceived as bossy because of their need to control their environment, but it’s not always their fault if they are perceived that way.

    The Three Wing Four: “The Professional”

    The features of the Three and the Four produce a complex subtype, whose characteristics are often in conflict with each other. Three is essentially an "interpersonal" type, while Four withdraws from contact with others. In this subtype, there is less emphasis on interpersonal skills and more focus on work, achievement and recognition.

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