Personality List

    Enneagram Subtype 8w7 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enneagram Subtype 8w7? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enneagram Subtype 8w7 from Enneagram and what is the personality traits.

    Enneagram Subtype 8w7

    ESTP (8w7)

    Enneagram Subtype 8w7 personality type is ENTJ, the Warrior personality type.

    ENTJ personality types are typically quite strong and direct, and they typically have a tendency to be very outspoken and assertive. ENTJs are typically very good at planning and organizing, and they usually have extremely good decision-making skills. ENTJs do not take no for an answer very easily, and they typically do not like to be told what to do. ENTJs enjoy working with large groups of people and will generally manage and lead any large groups or teams that they are involved in. ENTJs tend to be very good at getting things done, and they generally enjoy working hard and accomplishing their goals. Some ENTJs might exhibit a sense of arrogance when they speak, but that is only because they genuinely believe that they are correct and that they know what is best. ENTJs typically like to work hard and take charge, and they might not always be the most compassionate or empathetic people in the world. ENTJs are typically very intelligent people, and they usually take their work quite seriously. However, ENTJs typically do not like to be told what to do and will become easily frustrated if they feel that someone else is telling them what to do.

    The Eight Wing Seven: "The Dissident"

    The features of the Eight and the Seven are reinforced to produce a very aggressive subtype. Eights wing Seven are the most openly assertive of all subtypes because each type is aggressive - Eights in their quest for power and autonomy and Sevens in the acquisition of experiences and possessions. They are far more outgoing than their Eight wing Nine counterparts. The core difference between the two is that while they both share the core desires, fears and lines of integration and disintegration, the Eight wing seven is far more expansive whereas the Eight wing nine is more defensive and likely to draw boundaries.

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