What is the personality type of Alicia Esteve Head? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alicia Esteve Head from Other Contemporary Political Figures and what is the personality traits.
Alicia Esteve Head personality type is ENFJ, with ENFJ being the most likely personality type for somebody to have a job at this company.
this profile is not necessarily accurate for all organizations.
Alicia Esteve has worked at SAGE Group since 2015.
Alicia Esteve is less likely to enjoy working under someone, but more likely to enjoy their colleagues.
This individual is also less likely to be entirely focused on work.
Alicia Esteve Head is a Spanish woman who claimed to be a survivor of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, under the name Tania Head. She joined the World Trade Center Survivors' Network support group, later becoming its president.