Personality List

    Nicole "Bad Bunny Twitch" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nicole "Bad Bunny Twitch"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nicole "Bad Bunny Twitch" from Other Contemporary Political Figures and what is the personality traits.

    Nicole "Bad Bunny Twitch"

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Nicole "Bad Bunny Twitch" personality type is ESTJ, which is a personality type that is often described as "the leader". The ESTJ personality type is typically described as being organized, dependable, and enthusiastic about their tasks. ESTJs are organized, dependable, and enthusiastic about getting things done. They dislike wasting time and will take on a project with the goal of completing it. They typically have a high level of confidence in their abilities to complete a task and will typically have a great deal of self-awareness about their own limitations.

    Nicole is a very vocal personality type. She is very confident in her abilities and is very comfortable speaking in front of groups. In her streams, you will typically find Nicole speaking directly to the camera or to people watching her stream. She will describe what she is doing and why she is doing it. She has said that she feels more comfortable speaking to someone than sitting behind a computer.

    Nicole is active on Twitter @badbunny_esq.

    Fun Fact: Nicole's favorite candy bar is Snickers.

    Spoilers: Nicole's favorite game genre is first person shooters.

    Nicole's Twitch channel can be found here.

    Special thanks to Guy Wolf for some help with this analysis.

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