Personality List

    Halley's Comet Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Halley's Comet? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Halley's Comet from Planets & Space and what is the personality traits.

    Halley's Comet

    INFJ (1w2)

    Halley's Comet personality type is INFJ, a rare and even more powerful type…

    INFJ stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Judging. INFJs are exceptionally quiet, inwardly focused, and private individuals with a deep desire to understand the world. They see themselves as "rulers of their own mind," and they don't like to be told what to do. While INFJs prefer to be alone most of the time, they have a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to share the fruits of their research with others.

    The INFJ is a rare type, making up only 3% of the population. The most famous INFJ is probably Eleanor Roosevelt, who was a fierce advocate for civil rights and the United Nations. She was also an INFJ. Another famous INFJ is Carl Jung, who developed the theory on complex psychology and developed his theory on archetypes (the INFJ "guardian"). Carl Jung also identified the INFJ as one of the rare types that can be both extroverted and introverted (he preferred the term "introverted-extraverted" to "introverted-introverted," but we'll stick with INFJ here).

    Halley's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P/Halley, is a short-period comet visible from Earth every 75–76 years. Halley is the only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that can appear twice in a human lifetime. Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061. Halley's periodic returns to the inner Solar System have been observed and recorded by astronomers around the world since at least 240 BC. But it was not until 1705 that the English astronomer Edmond Halley understood that these appearances were reappearances of the same comet. As a result of this discovery, the comet is now named after Halley. During its 1986 apparition, Halley's Comet became the first comet to be observed in detail by spacecraft, providing the first observational data on the structure of a comet nucleus and the mechanism of coma and tail formation.

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