Personality List

    Percival Graves Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Percival Graves? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Percival Graves from Fantastic Beasts and what is the personality traits.

    Percival Graves

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Percival Graves personality type is ENTJ, which is described as enthusiastic, domineering, dominant, and decisive.

    He's all about taking control of the situation, and getting the job done. Percival Graves is known for being a leading figure within the organization. He's very authoritative, and not afraid to enforce his rules. He's a man who doesn't take shit from anyone, and he expects others to do the same.

    Percival Graves' personality is pretty much defined by his job. He's very driven, and he likes to take charge. He's also very good at working with others and getting the job done. He knows how to delegate and delegate properly.

    Becoming a Percival Graves is very rewarding for those who know how to work with him. Just be ready to work for him, and you'll see that Percival Graves can be a very good boss.

    2 Percival Graves' Weaknesses

    1. His moods can change very quickly

    Percival Graves is very emotional, and he doesn't like to be told what to do. If something happens that he doesn't like, his mood can change very quickly.

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