Personality List

    Rube Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rube? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rube from Spongebob Squarepants 1999 and what is the personality traits.


    ENFP (7w6)

    Rube personality type is ENFP, the “Edgy New Age Dreamer” as she calls herself.

    “I’m always trying to see the good in people and try to be optimistic,” she says.

    In high school, Rube stopped being so positive. Maybe it was because she was called “smartass” a lot by her classmates, or maybe she was just fed up with how much she had to work for her grades.

    “I was a good kid growing up,” she says. “I was always friendly and I didn’t have a lot of problems or discipline problems. But I started to be a bit snarky. I was a smartass. It didn’t look like anything was wrong, but I would come home from high school and I’d be really upset at myself, like I didn’t know what I was doing wrong.”

    Rube says that she doesn’t know if that positive attitude and positive thinking is just a phase she’s going through, or if it will stick with her forever. But she knows that she wants to find out.

    A rube is a country bumpkin or an inexperienced, unsophisticated person. Rube is also sometimes used as a nickname, for Reuben, Ruben or Rubin.

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