Personality List

    Emerald Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Emerald? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Emerald from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (3w4)

    Emerald personality type is ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, or ESFP.

    Neuroticism measures your tendency to experience unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, stress, worry, and anger, and it also measures how much of these emotions you experience. Your score is based on how much you experience each of these emotions during the past week. A score of 10 or less indicates that you don’t experience these emotions often, a score of 11 to 19 indicates that you experience these emotions somewhat often, and a score of 20 or higher indicates that you experience these emotions a lot.

    Your ability to make decisions is a measure of your extraversion. Extraversion is a measure of how outgoing, talkative, and assertive you are. Your score is based on how much you speak in conversations and how much you stand up for yourself in groups. The higher your score, the more extraverted you are.

    Your openness to new ideas and experiences is a measure of your intuition. Intuition is a measure of how insightful and creative you are. Your score is based on how much you think about things and how often you solve problems in unconventional ways. The higher your score, the more intuitive you are.

    Emerald is shown to become very agitated when the Off Colors had crashed her personal ship, impersonated imperial officers, and stole her prized ship, the Sun Incinerator. Her agitation turned into sheer anger when the Off Colors made fun of her, prompting her to openly yell at them through the Sun Incinerator's communicator. Emerald valued her Sun Incinerator too highly to destroy it even when doing so would have dealt with the Off Colors in a single stroke.

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