Personality List

    Larimar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Larimar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Larimar from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.


    INTP (7w8)

    Larimar personality type is INTP, INFJ, or ISFP.

    Larimar is a gemstone that is associated with the planet Jupiter and the ocean. It is said to protect and inspire truth, balance, and harmony.

    Due to its connection to Jupiter, Larimar may be associated with the sign of Pisces, Neptune and the ocean.

    Larimar is said to have been found in India in a very old temple that was submerged by water. It was discovered by a monk who was meditating in the temple.

    The stone is named after the town of Larimar in Cuba. It is said that the town was inhabited by people who were of Indian descent. Many believed that the people of the town were descended from the people who were cast out of India.

    There have been several theories about the gemstone being found in the temple. It is possible that the gemstone was simply placed in the temple as a spiritual gift from India to the people of Cuba. However, there are some people who believe that Indian monks from 9th century India visited Cuba, and brought the gemstone back with them to present it to their monastery in what is now known as Larimar.

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