Personality List

    Ruby Army Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ruby Army? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ruby Army from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Ruby Army

    ISTP (8w9)

    Ruby Army personality type is ISTP, or the Extraverted Sensing type. ISTPs are driven by their senses, and they enjoy being outside in the real world where they can experience things for themselves. The introverted sensing (Si) and extraverted intuition (Ne) types are very aware of how their senses work, and they are constantly trying to learn new things. The most famous ISTP personality is probably Indiana Jones, a famous archaeologist who has a keen ability to sense things that can help him solve problems. ISTPs also like to know what is going on around them and what might come next.

    ISTP personality types are generally easygoing, and they tend to be very confident in their abilities. They do not get too stressed out over little issues, and they enjoy being around others who are also relaxed and easygoing.

    If you have an ISTP personality type, you have a good memory for details and information, and you will often notice things that most people would not notice. You are usually able to solve problems very easily, and you enjoy learning new things. You enjoy spending time with people who have a similar sense of humor and sense of adventure.

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