Personality List

    Ruby Navy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ruby Navy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ruby Navy from Steven Universe 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Ruby Navy

    ESFJ (7w6)

    Ruby Navy personality type is ESFJ, who are known as the "Navy Seals or the "Navy Doctors" (Navy doctors are not actually doctors, but the ESFJ classification is an honorific). They are known for their empathy and service-oriented tendencies, and are capable of deep concern for others. They are warm and loving, but also industrious and self-sufficient. They generally have a wide network of friends and family, and can be very loyal to these people - but they tend to be more focused on the needs of their friends than their own.

    For Navy ESFJs, the "Navy" part of their personality can come out to an extreme, especially in times of stress. These individuals may become very "Manly", leading to them being overbearing to those around them. They can be very quiet about it - but it is not the same as the "silent treatment" (which is actually quite different). For this reason, they need to be careful not to offend or upset others, especially people they care about. This can be difficult at times, as these ESFJs tend to put others first, but can sometimes be seen as selfish.

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