Personality List

    Ms. Sharon Norbury Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ms. Sharon Norbury? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ms. Sharon Norbury from Mean Girls 2004 and what is the personality traits.

    Ms. Sharon Norbury

    INFJ (1w2)

    Ms. Sharon Norbury personality type is INFJ, and she herself describes herself as a "deep and mysterious" personality type.

    James: Is that like a Sherlock Holmes thing?

    Sharon: No, it's like a personality thing. I think we're all deep and mysterious and we're all INFJs, but we don't know it because we don't really know ourselves.

    James: Oh cool! And what is an INFJ like in real life?

    Sharon: I think INFJs are very sensitive people. They tend to be very emotional and they tend to be very emotional people. They tend to be very spiritual and they tend to be very spiritual people, and they tend to put a lot of their energy into making things happen.

    James: Is that similar to the shadow side of the INFJ, what they're like when they're not being INFJ?

    Sharon: Yes. If we're not being INFJ, we tend to over-think things, but we tend to be very intuitive, and we tend to see things with a certain type of clarity and we tend to see things with a certain type of depth and tend to see things with a certain type of light.

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