Personality List

    Roy Randall Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Roy Randall? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Roy Randall from House Md 2004 and what is the personality traits.

    Roy Randall

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Roy Randall personality type is ESTJ, and is a “top-down, slow, deliberate, and practical” personality type. This means that Randall’s ESTJ personality type is one that is always working toward achieving a goal, but will take the time to consider things thoroughly before making a decision. ESTJ’s are often known for being amiable, but can also be quite tough when they want to be.

    A few of the traits that we see in John Wayne’s personality include: 1) He is a very logical person, and often makes decisions based on his logic rather than feelings. 2) He is a very practical person, and is often unwilling to take risks if he feels that the outcome will not be particularly favorable for him. 3) He is a person who always wants to be in control of any situation, and will often take action to obtain this control. 4) He is a very honest person, and takes great pains to keep his promises. 5) He is a very patient person, and takes the time that he feels is needed to complete a task. 6) He is a very cheerful person, and takes the time to be friendly even when he may not feel like it.

    Roy Randall was the wealthy father of Jack Randall, the young patient in the Season 6 episode Instant Karma.

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