Personality List

    Naobito Zenin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Naobito Zenin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Naobito Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen and what is the personality traits.

    Naobito Zenin

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Naobito Zenin personality type is ESTJ, which means she is very dependable and does what she is supposed to do. She takes her job very seriously and will do anything to ensure that the mission goes smoothly. She is very optimistic and will always try to find the best solution to any problem. She is also very optimistic and easily gets excited about new things.

    One thing she always has on her mind is her friends. She will always try to make sure that everyone is having fun, especially her friends. One of her most important traits is her determination. She is very dedicated to completing whatever task she is on.

    She tends to be clumsy at times, but that doesn't stop her from trying things out. She is very emotional, but she tries to hide it as much as possible. She is very friendly, even with people who are unfriendly, she will still try to be friendly with them.

    edit] Abilities

    Seikou Touhou's abilities are mainly centered around summoning her magic staff, which she uses to fight with. She can also use her staff as a sort of scanner to scan the enemy, if she is close enough. She can also summon her own magic staff, but it is not as strong.

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