Personality List

    Ryomen Sukuna Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ryomen Sukuna? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen and what is the personality traits.

    Ryomen Sukuna

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Ryomen Sukuna personality type is ENTJ, so he's more likely to be a very good leader, but he's not always the best one. However, he's often the type who is so good at leading that he doesn't have to worry about being leader, because they are just so perfect at leading. He's also very good at being a leader. He's also the type who tends to have a lot of plans, plans that are just perfect, plans that will work out just right, plans that are just there for the sake of being there. He tends to try to make things perfect. He's also the type who will often plan things for others, but doesn't mind doing it. He's also very good at leading people. He's good at knowing what people need, and how to make things right for them, and what they like. He can be very good at reading his people, and knowing what they like. He's not always the best at making people happy, but he tries more than anyone else does. He's the one who will do anything for his people, no matter how horrible it is. He tends to be very emotional, more than most of his friends, and more than most of his enemies.

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