Personality List

    Six Eyes Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Six Eyes? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Six Eyes from Jujutsu Kaisen and what is the personality traits.

    Six Eyes

    ISTJ (5w4)

    Six Eyes personality type is ISTJ, a personality type that is a mainstay of the South Asian community, but also well represented among other Asian cultures. ISTJ personality types from the Indian subcontinent are known to be resourceful, well organized, and loyal.

    The ISTJ personality type is not as well known as the other personality types in the world. The ISTJ personality type is often seen as a ‘jack of all trades’ personality type that does not specialize in what it does. ISTJs are capable of achieving their goals, and usually do so without too much effort. They are able to prioritize and organize their tasks and activities in a way that makes the most sense to them. ISTJs strive to reach their goals using their best judgment and common sense.

    ISTJ Careers and Professions

    ISTJs are good at many careers and professions because they work well within a team environment. Most ISTJs will not be as comfortable as those who are more extroverted and need to be the center of attention to feel good about themselves. ISTJs prefer to focus on what they do best, and then help others do their best as well.

    The Six Eyes (六眼, Rikugan) is a rare ocular jujutsu inherited within the Gojo family. It grants the user extraordinary perception and the ability to utilize the Limitless to its fullest potential. Satoru Gojo is the first sorcerer to be born with both the Limitless and the Six Eyes in the last hundred years.

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