Personality List

    Masato Tachibana Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Masato Tachibana? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Masato Tachibana from Tokyo Revengers and what is the personality traits.

    Masato Tachibana

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Masato Tachibana personality type is ESTJ, but he’s not too sure if he is an ESFJ or an ESTJ. He’s also not sure what kind of personality he is. He’s on the fence between ENTP and INTP. He’s also not sure if he’s a V or a N. He’s also not sure about the whole “being a man” thing, since he doesn’t have the confidence to be a man, but he doesn’t consider himself a woman either.

    The only thing he’s sure about is that he wants to be an author. He doesn’t want to be an author, but he wants to be an author. He thinks that being an author will make him feel like he can do anything, because there is no limit to what an author can do. If he were actually a writer, then he would just write books, but he doesn’t want to be a writer; he wants to be an author.

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