Personality List

    Sailor Galaxia Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sailor Galaxia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sailor Galaxia from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon and what is the personality traits.

    Sailor Galaxia

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Sailor Galaxia personality type is ENTJ, the top of the ENTJ pyramid. In order to be a Sailor Galaxia, you have to be a Sailor Mercury or Sailor Mars. The ENTJ has a desire to lead and a sense of duty, but is capable of being a leader in a team. The ENTJ is a visionary, with a healthy dose of audacity and a strong sense of responsibility. They are confident and charismatic leaders, but can also be a bit dogmatic. ENTJs are excellent team leaders and teams can flourish with their leadership. ENTJs can be very good leaders at work, as they are competent and competent leaders who can motivate, inspire and instruct.

    ENTJs can be great commanders and leaders on the battlefield as well as in the workplace. ENTJs are very capable leaders and team players, but they can sometimes be too blunt and serious for their own good. ENTJs tend to be the ultimate perfectionists and need to be careful that they don’t also become workaholics and perfectionists themselves.

    ENTJs tend to excel at work and in leadership positions because they are excellent problem solvers and decision makers. They are decisive and decisive decisions make them highly successful in leadership positions.

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