Personality List

    Anthea Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anthea? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anthea from Sherlock 2010 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w9)

    Anthea personality type is ISTJ, the type that likes to take things slowly and does not like to be rushed.

    The ISTJ Anthea personality type is one of the most common personality types found in the world, making up 16% of the population.

    If you are an ISTJ, you are likely to like to go at your own pace and take things step by step. You are the person who is very practical and likes to look at things objectively. You are likely to be very good at making decisions because you like to see things clearly.

    Similarly, you are also likely to like order and organization. You like to be clear on what you want and how to get it done. You don't like it when things are disorganized because you want things to be done in an orderly manner.

    Your flaw is that you can be too shy, too reserved and too quiet at times. You do not like making yourself known, but you also do not like being left out either. You would rather be alone than having to deal with other people.

    This is why you would not be the first person you would call for help if you need it, but instead would rather see if there is any way you can help yourself first.

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