Personality List

    Mycroft Holmes Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mycroft Holmes? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mycroft Holmes from Sherlock 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Mycroft Holmes

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Mycroft Holmes personality type is ESTJ, which is one of 16 personality types that are described in "Myers-Briggs". ESTJs are very practical, rational, and consistent. They can be strict and inflexible, but they value a sense of fairness and justice. They enjoy analysis and memorization, so they can often be seen in offices or classrooms as specialists of some sort. They're also rational, so they're good at recognizing problems, examining their causes, and coming up with solutions. They like to do things thoroughly and will stick with them until they're done. When it comes to relationships, ESTJs prefer a laid-back atmosphere where they feel comfortable and relaxed. They're also not afraid to show their emotions and are fairly easy to get along with. ESTJs tend to be loyal and dependable, but they can also be very blunt and stubborn.

    Mycroft Holmes personality type is ESTJ, which is one of 16 personality types that are described in "Myers-Briggs". ESTJs are very practical, rational, and consistent. They can be strict and inflexible, but they value a sense of fairness and justice.

    Mycroft Holmes is a fictional character appearing in stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The elder brother of detective Sherlock Holmes, he is a government official and a founding member of the Diogenes Club. Mycroft is described as having abilities of deduction and knowledge exceeding even those of his brother, though their practical use is limited by his dislike of fieldwork. The character has been adapted in various pieces of literature and media, including television series, movies, radio, and comics. He is also popular in culture, being mentioned by many works, which mostly reference his job, personality, or his relationship with Sherlock Holmes.

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