Personality List

    Eurus Holmes Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Eurus Holmes? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eurus Holmes from Sherlock 2010 and what is the personality traits.

    Eurus Holmes

    INFJ (5w4)

    Eurus Holmes personality type is INFJ, or Idealist. She’s a rare case as far as Archetypes go, as she is the first to ever be described as an Introvert/Introverted Idealist.

    In regards to her inner world, Holmes is an Introvert. She’s the only “Introvert” that I’ve encountered that isn’t a literal introvert. For example, she’s not a “super-introverted introvert”. She’s a genuine introvert, who prefers to be alone and has a degree of social anxiety. She only comes out of her shell when she feels comfortable with others.

    Holmes is an INFJ, or Loyal, Idealist. Her idealism could be described as naive and idealistic, because she believes in the good of others and is willing to put herself at risk for their well-being.

    Holmes doesn’t take anything personally and has a very forgiving nature, she is willing to see past people’s flaws and see them for what they really are. She doesn’t hold grudges and is quick to forgive and forget.

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