Personality List

    Takumi Ichinose Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Takumi Ichinose? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Takumi Ichinose from Nana and what is the personality traits.

    Takumi Ichinose

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Takumi Ichinose personality type is ENTJ, which means he is a Thinker. Takumi has a lot of energy and a constant need to be active. He is a man of action and a man of words. He likes to be a leader and a big shot when it comes to things like sports, when he is in the classroom, or when he is in class with his teacher. Takumi can lead people when he wants to, he just needs to be the one in charge. He is very perceptive when it comes to things, but can sometimes be too pushy. Takumi has a lot of ambition for himself, and he does whatever is in his power to achieve it. He is very smart when it comes to what he does, but he can be too demanding when he wants something done in a particular way, no matter how efficient or effective it may be in the long run.

    Another aspect that makes Takumi an ENTJ is that he is very perceptive when it comes to people. He can sense their emotions and read between their lines, which can be useful at times. However, he also sees things that aren't there, which is the main reason why his friendship with Asuka is so hard.

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