Personality List

    Britta Beach Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Britta Beach? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Britta Beach from Riverdale 2017 and what is the personality traits.

    Britta Beach

    ISFP (7w6)

    Britta personality type is ISTP, the ‘Idealist’. ISTPs are the least likely of all personality types to feel that they are part of something larger than themselves, and they are also the least likely to be bothered by it. People who live in the ISTP personality type may be intensely individualistic, but they are also very loyal and reliable. ISTPs are particularly adept at building housekeeping skills, which they will use to their advantage throughout life. ISTPs are especially comfortable with routine and routine is very important to them. This means that ISTPs like routine and routine means routine. ISTPs don’t like to change routine and will often rebel against any attempts to do so. This is one of the reasons ISTPs will often find themselves in careers that require little or no change or innovation. ISTPs like routine and routine means routine and they like to stay in their comfort zone.

    So what does this mean for you and your career?

    ISTPS make excellent employees, and employers love them for it. They are reliable and consistent and will take care of all of the details of your job while leaving you to concentrate on more creative work.

    Brittania "Britta" Beach is a recurring character on The CW's Riverdale. She is portrayed by Kyra Leroux. Britta is one of the students attending Riverdale High. She's also the first female student to join the Riverdale Bulldogs after Archie resurrects the team.

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