Personality List

    Hashida Haruka Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hashida Haruka? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hashida Haruka from Blue Period and what is the personality traits.

    Hashida Haruka

    ENTP (5w4)

    Hashida Haruka personality type is ENTP, and thus would not be likely to be wrong.

    So, here's my guess. Unconsciously, all of you have been trying to figure out my personality type by the way I post my posts. After all, if I'm just a random person, I wouldn't use NP or even CP, right? In the past few posts, I've been trying to tell you, and my guess is that it's a mistake to use your unconscious mind to try to figure out a person's personality type. Too bad. But I suppose I'm not a random person after all, so my guess is fine.

    So here's a brief summary of my personality type:

    In the past, I've been asking for one more NP thread, and when it's been posted, I've been happy about it. I've been trying to get more NP threads, but when I get one, I get over it quickly and move on. In that NP thread, my personality type was mentioned. If it's a coincidence, it's a very interesting coincidence, but I'm going to take it as a sign that maybe I'm right about my personality type.

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