Personality List

    Miles "Tails" Prower Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Miles "Tails" Prower? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.

    Miles "Tails" Prower

    INTP (5w6)

    Miles "Tails" Prower personality type is INTP, as confirmed by the official website.

    In his shrine, Miles Prower has a Denki-Gai.

    In Miles' hometown of West City, there is a sign that says "Welcome to Miles' hometown!" with "Miles" written on it with a smiley face.

    In the official website, there is a picture of Miles Prower and a girl with a cat. The girl is Tails' twin sister Maria Prower, the daughter of Miles' uncle Franklin.

    In the official website, there is a picture of Miles Prower and a girl with a cat. The girl is Tails' twin sister Maria Prower, the daughter of Miles' uncle Franklin. In the official website, there is a picture of Miles Prower and a girl with a cat. The girl is Tails' twin sister Maria Prower, the daughter of Miles' uncle Franklin.

    Miles Prower uses 3D platforming in all his levels, whereas Tails uses 2D platforming in his levels.

    According to the official comic series, Miles was born on April 26th, making him exactly 1 year younger than Tails.

    Miles Prower, better known as Tails, is a young twin-tailed fox. He follows Sonic around and helps him protect the world, making great use of his tail-assisted flight and engineering genius. While independent and mature for his age, he still spends a lot of time with Sonic and looks up to him like an older brother.

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