Personality List

    Infinite Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Infinite? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Infinite from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (8w7)

    Infinite personality type is ENTJ, which is a strong, dynamic, and decisive leader. They are very intelligent and can be very charismatic and lively. They can be very warm and friendly to those they care about and also to those who stand in their way of achieving their goals. They are very good people to have in your life!

    INFP – The ones who are mostly at the top of the “most loving” list. INFPs are often described as being “dreamy” and “sensitive”. They are warm, loving, and understanding. But they can be quite down-to-earth and realistic to those who care about them. They love life and are often very good at expressing their emotions.

    ISTP – The ones who are most often described as “relaxed”. ISTP personality types are often described as being natural and relaxed. They love life and live for the moment. Their emotions can be quite flexible and they like to help others when they can. They are also often very hard workers and have a great work ethic.

    ESTP – The ones who are most often described as “energetic”.

    Infinite is a mysterious being who once helped Dr. Eggman take over the world. Formerly a mercenary employed by Eggman, he became someone completely new upon equipping the Phantom Ruby. He is calm, aloof, and enjoys exerting his power over others - however, these traits secretly stem from a line of crippling insecurities.

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