Personality List

    Tikal the Echidna Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Tikal the Echidna? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tikal the Echidna from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.

    Tikal the Echidna

    ENFJ (9w1)

    Tikal the Echidna personality type is ENFJ, so if she’s not a natural introvert, she’s certainly an extrovert. And she’s really quite the extrovert.

    Tikal is very open and honest, and that’s both her strength and weakness. She loves people and hates to be left out of anything, and that means she can be a bit too much-of-a-good-time for those who need a little less socializing. But this is also one of her greatest strengths, because she’s a wonderful, warm friend to those who need one, and she makes a great shoulder to cry on. She’s really the definition of a true extrovert, and it doesn’t take much for her to become a whirlwind of energy.

    She’s really quite the extroverted oddball, and it doesn’t take much for her to become a whirlwind of energy.

    As a result, she really takes a lot of heat from those who don’t know her well, but from those who do, she receives nothing but love and admiration.

    Tikal the Echidna is a millenia-old spirit. She was the daughter of Pachacamac, chief of the Knuckles Clan, and constantly campaigned against his violent lust for power. She formed a friendship with Chaos and the Chao. When Chaos is unleashed years later by Dr. Eggman to wreak havoc, Tikal reappears to urge Sonic and friends to stop him.

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