Personality List

    All For One Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of All For One? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for All For One from Boku No Hero Academia and what is the personality traits.

    All For One

    ENTJ (8w7)

    All For One personality type is ENTJ, as is almost everyone who ever dabbled in the dark arts as a child. In other words, if you have a New Age bookstore in your town, you're likely to have a high number of ENTJs. ENTJs are driven to try new things and fail at them, and they love being around other ENTJs because they're so convinced that they're right. Here's a list of characteristics that ENTPs share with ENTJs:

    They're both driven to try new things and fail at them.

    They both love being around other ENTJs because they're so convinced that they're right.

    They both love learning new skills and learning about new things.

    They both hate to be criticized.

    They both love to make people laugh.

    They both do whatever it takes to get whatever it is that they want.

    They both experience a lot of life as a series of "I told you so" moments.

    They both feel like they know everything and can explain it all to you in a way that makes sense.

    They're both likely to be the ones who set the tone for the family and run the show, even if they don't live at home.

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