Personality List

    Mr. Peanutbutter Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mr. Peanutbutter? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mr. Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Mr. Peanutbutter

    ESFJ (7w6)

    Mr. Peanutbutter personality type is ESFP, the extroverted, sensing, feeling, and Perceiving.

    The “P” stands for perceiving, the brain’s function that is dominated by the ESFP. The fact that their dominant function is perceiving means that they are constantly scanning their environment. They are highly aware of what is going on around them.

    EsFPs are highly aware of the people around them and are often willing to play the role of being the go-between, if they have a skill for it.

    Mr. Peanutbutter doesn’t care much about rules or structure, so he is pretty much free to do whatever he wants. He spends his time running around and gathering information and talking with the people he meets, and he’ll be sure to share it with you if you ask him.

    Mr. Peanutbutter uses his extroverted thinking function to help him solve problems and come up with solutions. It’s not uncommon for him to present you with a plan of action for tackling a problem, and then go off and pursue it without you.

    Mr. Peanutbutter is one of the main characters of Bojack Horseman. An energetic and cheerful yellow Labrador Retriever who is BoJack's former sitcom rival - Mr. Peanutbutter's demeanor is constantly energetic, nice, cheerful, kind, and playful. In short, he is "a dog seen from the point of view of a cat person."

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