Personality List

    Alexi Brosefino Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alexi Brosefino? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alexi Brosefino from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Alexi Brosefino

    ISFP (4w5)

    Alexi Brosefino personality type is ISFP, INFJ or ISTP. ISFP is the most common personality type for Alexi Brosefino, and they make up 65% of people with his personality type. Another common personality type for people with Alexi Brosefino personality type is INTJ, and they make up 13%.

    ISFPs are passionate and enthusiastic. They tend to be good at having deep and meaningful conversations. They typically like to help others and enjoy spending time with people they like. They like to read and write and would like to be a writer or author.

    ISFPs tend to be pretty laid back and easy going. They don't take life too seriously and can often be found having fun with their friends or family. They like to live life to the fullest and enjoy the little things in life.

    Like all personality types, you can learn more about what it means to be an ISFP, INFJ or ISTP person in general by reading the descriptions on this page.

    What Does it Mean to be an ISFP?

    ISFPs are one of the 16 personality types. The 16 personality types are broken down into 4 groups (4x4=16, of course):

    Alexi Brosefino (voiced by Dave Franco) is a minor character in BoJack Horseman. He texts Diane about a party at his house thinking she was another woman with the same moniker.

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