Personality List

    Cutie Cutie Cupcake Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Cutie Cutie Cupcake? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Cutie Cutie Cupcake from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Cutie Cutie Cupcake

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Cutie Cutie Cupcake personality type is ISTJ, the “Know It All”.

    You are extroverted, sociable, enthusiastic, and you enjoy being the center of attention.

    You are very dependable and hard working.

    You prefer things to be organized and neat.

    You are very conscious of others’ feelings and relationship.

    You are very orderly and like things to be in order.

    You do well in school, but you tend to be boring to others during class.

    You are not naturally gifted at sports, but you are good at making sure everything is done on time.

    You are not naturally gifted at art or music, but you like to keep up with fashion trends.

    ISTJ (“Know It All”) Personality Type: The Extraverted “Know It All”

    ISTJ Personality Type: Introverted Sensing (Si) + Thinking (Te) + Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

    ISTJ Personality Type: The “Know It All” Personality Type

    ISTJs are dependable, responsible, and practical. They prefer a stable and consistent life.

    Cutie Cutie Cupcake is a minor character, through flashbacks and mentions in BoJack Horseman. She is the mother of Princess Carolyn. She was first mentioned in Best Thing That Ever Happened in Season 3. She is also mentioned in The Light Bulb Scene, and she makes appearances through flashbacks in The Amelia Earhart Story in Season 5.

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