Personality List

    Christopher Carpentier Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Christopher Carpentier? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Christopher Carpentier from Culinary Arts and what is the personality traits.

    Christopher Carpentier

    ESTJ (3w2)

    Christopher Carpentier personality type is ESTJ, which belongs to the extroverted, sensing, thinking, judging category. Their introverted, intuitive, sensing, thinking, judging type falls under the ESTJ category. ESTJs are also called “The Enterprise” because of their forward-looking, practical orientation. The ESTJ’s are known for being decisive, strong willed, and resolute. They are also good at detailed planning and like to organize and plan. They like to be involved and enjoy giving and receiving leadership and advice. The ESTJ is known for having a good sense of purpose and direction. They like to be where they belong and enjoy leadership and getting things done. The ESTJ is known for being very organized and competent. They like to get things done and like to be in charge. The ESTJ is not known for being creative or spontaneous. This personality type is usually very practical and values efficiency, reliability, and accuracy.

    ESTJs can often come off as bossy and blunt. They often get frustrated with people that do not follow instructions or instructions that are not followed precisely. When they become frustrated they turn into a bossy, blunt person that tries to get people to do what they want them to do.

    Christopher Alan Carpentier de la Villar (August 23, 1973), better known as Chris Carpentier , is a Chilean chef, TV host, and entrepreneur, known for his role as presenter and judge of the program MasterChef Chile and his participation as a judge on MasterChef Celebrity in Colombia .

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