Personality List

    Brittney Wong Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Brittney Wong? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Brittney Wong from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Brittney Wong

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Brittney Wong personality type is ESTJ, which would mean she is more of an organized individual with qualities of being a decisive leader.

    Brittany Wong’s early life was very different from her current lifestyle. Growing up in Singapore, she was surrounded by family and friends of all different backgrounds. This upbringing gave her the ability to accept new cultures and people with open arms. This is something Brittney is very proud of.

    Brittany Wong had her first of many jobs at a coffee shop while she was still in high school. She started there at the age of 14, which was close to when she began honing her skills on the stage. She was very good on the stage, but her lack of patience caused her to lose some of her best customers. This led to her getting fired.

    Afterwards, she enrolled in a college course for hospitality management. It was there that she met her husband Ben. They began dating while still in college and married soon after they graduated. It has been six years since then and they are still very much in love.

    Brittany Wong is openly gay and never hides who she is. When she identifies herself as a lesbian, it is no secret to others that she is gay or bisexual.

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